International Conference on Food Analysis and Quality Control

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  • 07th - 07th Dec 2024
  •  Bruges,Belgium
    1. Food authenticity and fighting food fraud
  • Methods and systems to support food authenticity and combat food fraud
  • Isotopic and elemental analysis for food authenticity and verification of production and geographical origin
  • Field-deployable methods to check food authenticity at the point of contact
  • Promotion of food authenticity for food safety and to improve nutrition
  • 2. Food and phytosanitary irradiation
  • Food irradiation to maintain and extend food quality, minimise pathogens in food and food packaging
  • Phytosanitary applications of food irradiation to meet pest quarantine requirements
  • Advances in machine source irradiation using electron beam and X rays including soft beam (keV) technologies
  • Dosimetry and dose modelling for process control
  • 3. Chemical residues and contaminants in food and feed
  • Detection and control of chemical residues and contaminants in food and feed to protect human and animal health
  • Contributing to antimicrobial resistance knowledge and control through antimicrobial residue monitoring
  • Building resilience to climate change - laboratory capability to identify and respond to changing contamination patterns
  • 4. Preparing for and responding to emergencies and incidents affecting the food supply
  • Rapid, field-deployable screening tests for food contaminants
  • Methodology to help trace contaminated products to origin
  • Laboratory networks for fast response and communication
  • Food irradiation for long-life emergency rations (for responders and those affected)
  • 5. Detection and characterization of pathogens in food
  • Nuclear and related techniques for the detection of pathogens in food
  • Contributing to antimicrobial resistance knowledge and control through the detection and characterization of antimicrobial resistant organisms
  • 6. Standard setting and risk assessment
  • Procedures and engagement with Codex Alimentarius
  • Irradiation dosimetry and generic treatments
  • Risk-based food safety and control
  • Labs and networks using nuclear-related methods to meet food safety/quality equivalence standards for trade
  • 7. One Health
  • Holistic approaches to human, animal and environmental health